Thursday 14 June 2007

Drama Days

The 3 drama days here at Malvern St James have been very exciting. Firstly we started the first day with being able to recognise Elizabethan and many other types of clothing in our "Costume Studies" workshop. After seeing wierd and wonderful costumes, we then arrived at a next workshop which was named "Trestle" with our instrucor Sarah which is meant to be quite famous for its silent masked plays.This to me was a lot of fun and I think all of the group learnt a lot by how to recognise body language. After this fantasice work shop the other group were did a musical theatre performance which was exellent and they sang great songs such as:
Wade in the Water.
Seasons of Love.
After this amazing performance we were set off to burn some calories with our amazing dance teacher Leanne Hollyhead and to learn a dance rutine!
This took us the whole session and we all had a great time.
After this most amazing session we then went to go and see another amazing perfomance which was part of "Playbox" in this performance we were shown how to use frezze frames with minimal or hardly any talking.
A tiering and exhausting day it may have been and we were all quite tierd but in return we all had a fantastic time!
This is first and last chance to do these past "Drama Days" and i thoroughly enjoyed it and i'm sure all the years that it will still be occupied everybody else will as well!


MSJ Library said...

Well done for creating this Blog during the publicity workshop! You have done a good write up and selected an interesting picture.

ani said...

hi dearest) its me))) such a cool post, u gotta let mrs Hyde read it she gonna give u 7+))))) actually, i didnt like dance THAT much cuz u no wat i think of christina aguilera (or howeva u speel her name!!!!) and of rnb in general!!! but trestle was soooooooooooo fun!!!!
luv ya)

ani said...

will u anser me????